The x position of the hit block
The y position of the hit block
The z position of the hit block
The precise x position on the block where the hit happened
The precise y position on the block where the hit happened
The precise z position on the block where the hit happened
If the raycast hit an entity
If the raycast hit a block
What face of a block did the raycast hit
The following functions can return this type.
[RaycastInfo] hit = ThreadingBlockGetter.raycast(self, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, maxDistance, hitLiquid, solidBlocksOnly, fullBlocksOnly) [RaycastInfo] hit = dimension.raycast(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, maxDistance, hitLiquid, solidBlocksOnly, fullBlocksOnly)